Lady Plumb Award 2019
Mollie Read, Sue Wallace, The Lady Plumb and The Earl of Aylesford, Chairman. (pictured L-R)
For a second year, The Coleshill Grammar School Trust has been seeking nominations for The Lady Plumb Award.
There was a wide spectrum of nominations for outstanding commitment to sport, the arts, and voluntary work. We are pleased to announce the winner is Mollie Read, a pupil at The Coleshill School. Mollie was nominated for her dedication and commitment to voluntary work, supporting the homeless in Birmingham City Centre. Mollie helps homeless people in a variety of ways including working with the ‘Operation Drawstring’ charity, which involves walking around the city centre handing out toiletries and clothing to the homeless.
On a Wednesday evening, she supports the Albert Street Project giving out cold food donated by the high street shops. Furthermore, in getting to know some of the homeless people whom she is helping Mollie has identified some of the less obvious difficulties that homeless people face, including accessing medical support. Without an address, homeless people who have medical needs are simply not able to register with doctors surgeries or dentists for help and this is particularly problematic for those with ongoing conditions.
Mollie was presented with a cheque for £1000 by The Lady Plumb. Mollie talked to The Lady Plumb about her volunteering and the plights of the people she helps, but also her future aspirations and career plans. The Chairman of the Grammar School Trust, Lord Aylesford commented “Mollie was a very deserving winner, she clearly is very committed and passionate about what she does and hopefully will be an inspiration to others”.
The Lady Plumb Award was established by the Coleshill Grammar School Trust to reward a local young person under the age of 25 years in recognition of outstanding achievement, commitment or dedication to an activity, sport or educational or vocational aspiration. The 2017 winner was Olivia May Street for her sporting achievements in double mini-trampolining. Having a 2018 award winner for volunteering will hopefully inspire others and demonstrate that the award is open to all.
The Lady Plumb served as a trustee on board of the Coleshill Grammar School Trust for over 40 years. The award was established in her name as a legacy to her service and her dedication to helping raise the educational outcomes for local young people.